davc2018-06-13 11:18:19
Web development
davc, 2018-06-13 11:18:19

How to protect the site from such services?

Hello, I have a site that accepts payments, I wrote the name of the site on google and google showed me this site https://www.cutestat.com, I went in and it clearly showed all the income from the site, the number of visitors , and even the information that I myself did not know.
And the question is: how can you protect the site from such services ?, and I have no idea how they even know the income from the site

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1 answer(s)
Yan-s, 2018-06-13

They won't know anything. They take visit statistics from open sources, look at similar sites in search engines, etc., and then figure out how much you can earn on this. All in all, don't worry.

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