Vladiiiiiiir2019-11-21 20:18:13
Search Engine Optimization
Vladiiiiiiir, 2019-11-21 20:18:13

How to properly redirect external links?

I recently tested my site on checktrust.ru and was surprised that my site had a higher spam rate than other similar sites.
I write articles on computer topics and in almost every article I give a link with the rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" attribute to the official websites of the software that I talk about or recommend using in a given situation. Consequently, on my site there are approximately 1-2 external links per article. There are about 250 articles. Apparently, according to the checktrust.ru service, this is already a reason to give my site a relatively high spam rating.
I see other webmasters actively implementing external link redirects today. I'm not an SEO guru, but I logically assume that:

  • search engines these days have no problem understanding that a link through a redirect is exactly as external as a direct one;
  • the creation of redirects is more an attempt to deceive the PS than an optimization;
  • a lot of the information about the need to reduce the number of external links is simply hysteria.

It would be interesting to hear your opinion on this matter:
  • whether a redirect of external links is needed and what it gives;
  • whether a link like "donor/goto/acceptor" really prevents weight leakage;
  • if you favor the implementation of redirects for some cases, then what kind of plugins for WP would you recommend for creating redirects in external links.

Thanks in advance.

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2 answer(s)
Evgeny Yudin, 2019-11-21

Rave. You don't need any redirects if you link to quality resources.

Rookee, 2019-11-25

Good afternoon!
It makes no sense to close links to official software sites from robots.
Also, Google's John Muller openly stated this, here is the source - https://www.searchenginejournal.com/googles-john-m...
Prescribing a nofollow tag for all outbound links is a strategy that will not only not give a ranking advantage, but it can be harmful in the long run. Resources with links that aren't closed with nofollow tags may rank better because it looks more natural.

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