Uline2021-05-21 10:59:54
Search Engine Optimization
Uline, 2021-05-21 10:59:54

How to properly organize the acquisition and launch of a .ru domain with the main .com?

There is a resource in the .com domain zone, I want to purchase a similar domain, but in the .ru zone.

  1. At the moment, the domain is registered with the pig at the jur. face. There is no .ru zone in it. Accordingly, the question is - with which registrar (preferably foreign) is it better to register .com in the same way as .com. face? It is not recommended to contact ru-center, reg.ru, r01 on Habré, as I understand it?
  2. Additional content is not required. What is the best and most effective way to put it in search engines? 301 redirect of all pages, or just Home .ru-> Home .com? Will it negatively affect the mainstream .com?
  3. Would it be more efficient to duplicate the entire resource on .ru and indicate in the canonical of each page a link to the corresponding page in the .com zone? How will this action affect SEO?

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2 answer(s)
RoundRobin, 2021-05-21

1. There are no foreign registrars in the .ru zone. All .ru domain registrars are legal entities of the Russian Federation. Choosing from the three largest above - the choice is definitely in favor of https://R01.RU or their resellers (everything is the same, but cheaper, plus resellers, unlike registrars, can be foreign companies, but just in case, choose those who works on their original panel, for example https://reghouse.ru ). The rest of the listed registrars are also suitable, but there are nuances and be prepared for the sudden connection of additional. services and auto-charges from the linked card. But it is not recommended to contact registrars whose main activity is hosting, and not domains.
2. If parallel operation of two versions is not required - 301 redirect. If required, do not forget to specify the main domain in robots / webmaster (usually search engines process correctly even without this, but it happens otherwise).
3. For an unambiguous answer, context is required, and clarification is more effective for what and in comparison with what exactly.

CityCat4, 2021-05-21

The .ru zone belongs to the national ones, there are no registrars in it that would not be Russian - according to the zone regulations.
What they write on Habré is not always worth believing.
I have been working with the registrar RUTSENTR since 1997 and have never had any problems (probably because I:
- do not look for penny registrars
- do not publish illegal content and politics
- do not send spam)

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