SymmetricArt2018-08-19 13:58:48
SymmetricArt, 2018-08-19 13:58:48

How to properly organize the acceptance of payment from non-residents (individuals) via PayPal for SMM services?

Good afternoon, colleagues!
Starting the business registration process. I open IP. I want USN 6%.
The scope of SMM. 99% of clients are non-residents (USA, UK, Canada, Europe and even Asia).
I plan to open an individual entrepreneur account with Sberbank and a PayPal corporate account. Payment will take place on PayPal, and then the withdrawal of funds to Sberbank. Transaction amounts from non-residents vary from 1USD to 1000GBP
In this regard, there are a large number of questions:
1. Is it necessary to use an online cash desk in this case, if all payments are made exclusively through PayPal from non-residents? Non-residents definitely do not need our checks.
2. Keep a book of income and expenses in rubles at the rate of the Central Bank without taking into account the PayPal commission?
And the tax base is also calculated at the rate of the Central Bank without taking into account the commission?
3. All communication with clients takes place through instant messengers and Instagram. No contracts are signed. How should I confirm for the state. authorities the source of origin of the proceeds, if the contractual form is not possible to apply. I heard that it is possible through a public offer, but I don’t quite understand how to implement it: different clients have different conditions, different terms, different content, different currencies, etc.
4. Should I start any other reporting for each receipt of revenue from the client? or somehow document this revenue? Can make invoices in electronic form and store them.
5. In terms of currency control, how should my activity be backed up? PayPal's website says "sell worldwide". And it is absolutely not clear whether PayPal will first of all ask me for additional. documents upon receipt of the first proceeds. What in general in this type of activity when working with non-resident physicists will be a convincing basis for banks and government agencies. organs?
6. How will the fiscal authorities react if there are 1,000 revenue records per month from different non-residents in the income and expense ledger, and all revenue comes from one company, PayPal Rus LLC?
I am sure that many online stores are looking for solutions to the same issues. Colleagues, please share your experience!
Thank you in advance)

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4 answer(s)
Anna, 2018-08-19

1. An online checkout is required if the clients are individuals. And as far as I know, only individuals pay on PayPal, transfers from companies to a Russian account are prohibited.
2. This is ambiguous. On the one hand, according to the law, it is necessary from the entire amount at the time of receipt of money to your PayPal account. On the other hand, the tax office may have questions for you, since the amount with which you pay tax will not correspond to the amount received on the account. Will have to explain.
3. As far as I know, there is an option - a public offer + an invoice issued to a specific client for a specific job.
4. I don't know. Considering point 3, it is better to sign invoices for each payment.
5. It is necessary to find out in the currency control of the bank where you will be served. PayPal will not ask, but the bank - yes. The only thing is that PayPal will ask you sooner or later to switch to a seller account with different rates.
6. Nobody usually watches this book. And so I don't know.

Viktor, 2018-08-20

I connected best2pay.net to myself, they provide intermediary services for receiving money, but for that I do not need an online cashier. And also, if someone pays me with a card from the CIS, then the money comes to my current account in rubles and from their legal entities. face and I do not fool myself with unnecessary bureaucracy.
It seems like it’s also possible not from the CIS, but you can check with them. But personally, it suits me to pay an additional few percent but save my time working with accounting.

boss_lexa, 2018-08-20

paypal on a corporate account in the Russian Federation will not let you accept payments from business accounts, only from individuals
Yes, and you will lose 5% on currency conversion in PayPal You
can read about agreements here https://delo.modulbank.ru/topic/docs
For individual entrepreneurs and LLC providing services to individuals, there is a delay in cash registers until July 1, 2019, but there is something about BSO. Calculate income
at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation . /app/answers/detai... And as income grows up, open a company abroad: Estonia, Great Britain, USA From the Russian Federation it is extremely inconvenient to receive small payments in foreign currency:

  • Losing money on PayPal currency conversion
  • If by a bank, then the commission for currency control is about 300 rubles + your client pays $ 25-30 for an international payment
  • Only Alfabank has Internet acquiring in foreign currency in the Russian Federation (conversion rate -0.5% of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation)

ipswitch, 2018-08-20

To score on IP and work with a personal account. Thus, the cash register is not required.
Or use an intermediary like the mentioned best2pay.
As an option, open not an individual entrepreneur, but a startup in Estonia.

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