KaliUser2022-03-26 10:15:38
KaliUser, 2022-03-26 10:15:38

How to properly install pyautogui in unubtu?

When trying to import a module, pyautogui throws an error like this: "ModuleNotFoundError : No module named 'pyautogui' "

Trying to install pyautogui and its dependencies through the console doesn't help

Sorry if this is a dumb question but I've been stuck with this all day yesterday

For testing I just wrote "import pyautogui" "

Full error output:
File "/home/user/PycharmProjects/pythonProject/main.py", line 1, in
Import pyautogui
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyautogui'

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Nesterov, 2022-03-26

Everything from the fact that you are trying to use tools that in the early stages of learning python will bring more problems than they solve.
For example, did you know that pycharm creates a virtual environment when creating a project ?
Without understanding what it is and how it works, you will continue to install libraries on a bare system and continue to not understand why it is "not visible" in pycharm.

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