Max Payne2018-02-06 21:33:13
Database design
Max Payne, 2018-02-06 21:33:13

How to properly implement such data separation in the database?

And so, there is a MariaDB database. When I was designing it, I did not think that the project would cease to be local, but would start being sold/rented. The project is related to chat bots.
My entire database can be divided into several types (by purpose) of tables. Currently in MariaDB I have one database and one group of bots in it (for example, let it be 3 bots with common data)
The first type of tables is tables with local data for each specific group of bots, for example, a table with data about users, their identifiers, balance, logs of all actions, some keys of these bots and other information inherent only to these few bots. Everything seems to be clear here.
The second type of tables are tables with static data suitable for all groups of bots, but which can suddenly become local. For example, a list of levels in relation to experience, for example, 1000 experience - level 1, 5000 - level 2, etc. (suddenly I need to make other levels in another bot) or a list of bots' dialogue answers (I have everything divided into dialogue answers and command, dialogue "hello - hello", command "weather in Moscow - Weather in Moscow -20 ....")
And the third type of tables - tables with completely static data, for example, it can be a list of some cities or a list of swear words.
And so, the essence of the question is what is the best way to structure and divide these tables into several databases?

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