Artem2018-07-16 16:43:00
Artem, 2018-07-16 16:43:00

How to properly handle events in node-telegram-bot-api?

Immediately code:

import TelegramBot from 'node-telegram-bot-api';

const bot = new TelegramBot('123456789', { polling: true });

bot.onText(/\/start/, function (msg) {
  let startMessage = 'Приветствие';

  let keyboard = {
      reply_markup: {
        inline_keyboard: [
              text: 'Создать напоминание',
              callback_data: 'newNote'
              text: 'Мои напоминание',
              callback_data: 'myNotes'

  bot.sendMessage(msg.chat.id, startMessage, keyboard);


bot.on('callback_query', (query) => {
  let id = query.message.chat.id;

  switch (query.data) {
    case 'newNote':
      bot.sendMessage(id, 'Введите напомнинание');
      bot.on('message', (msg) => {
        bot.sendMessage(id, `Ок, напомню ${msg.text}`);
    case 'myNotes':
      bot.sendMessage(id, 'Здесь будут Ваши напомнинания');


The problem is this, I click /startand I have a greeting and 2 inline buttons: "Create a reminder" and "My reminders", if I click create, he will ask what exactly to remind and I will write some text, in response I will receive "ok, I will remind you. .." and once again if I write some text, he will also answer "ok, I'll remind you (what I wrote)" and if I click "My reminders" it will give me a list of my reminders and in theory what I will write next he should not create reminders and write like "ok, let me remind you ..." but he writes anyway, so how can you avoid this?
I am new to this business, and if someone has the opportunity, I would like, periodically, directly to ask questions, to consult.

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1 answer(s)
Michael, 2018-07-16

Take telegraf and see this section
More detailed:
You need to store the "state" of the user somewhere. For example, in a database or Redis. And then the code will be something like this:

bot.on('message', msg => {
     const session = getSessionFromDb(msg.from.id)
     if (session === 'foo') { //пользователь уже ввёл напоминание
         //обрабатываем одним способом
     } else if (session === 'bar') { //пользователь не ввёл 
        //обрабатываем другим способом

Read about the finite state machine. Its essence is that it returns different values ​​for the same input data depending on the state in which it is located. This is described in detail in Wikipedia.

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