Egor S2015-10-09 21:05:07
Egor S, 2015-10-09 21:05:07

How to properly get rid of the horizontal list indent?

It is necessary that there is no indent between the .profile block and the menu items. It's unclear where it comes from.

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2 answer(s)
GoodProject, 2015-10-09

nav ul li {
margin-right: -4px;
The indent appears due to inline display, this is such a feature, so you need to do it through float: left, or subtract 4px, or set the font to font-size: 0 inside this block, and where you need to increase the font to the standard one (which was the default ) that is, outside the fz0 block, but inside what is already needed, so that indents do not appear like yours.

Ivanq, 2015-10-09

Give the ul margin: 8px (exactly 8, because your layout is crooked)

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