Mick Coder2015-02-03 12:03:44
Mick Coder, 2015-02-03 12:03:44

How to properly design the database "booking"?

Hello! I need to properly design a DB (Hotel Room Cleaning). Cleaning takes place every week in the occupied room, but the client can appoint a cleaning day (for example, every Tuesday)! For the rest of the rooms (not booked, cleaning is not necessary). But you can also assign a separate room cleaning.
What I did. Now I have 3 tables rooms, cleanings, workers.
Cleanings (
id_cleaning bigint (20) NOT NULL
date_cleaning date NULL
id_room int(11) NULL id_worker
int (11) NULL
notes text NULL

id_room int(11) NOT NULL
number varchar(5) NOT NULL
last_cleaning date NULL // Last cleaning optional
status tinyint(4) NULL // Room status optional
cleaning_day tinyint(7) NULL // Day for regular room cleaning
lock_start date NULL //start of booking number
lock_finish date NULL // check-in of the client
Workers ( //The one who will clean the room,
id_worker int(11) NOT NULL
name varchar(50) NOT NULL
phone varchar(20) NULL
At the output in my program You should get a similar table like this:
Screenshot of the application
I'm waiting for your advice, what can be added, what can be removed! thank!

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1 answer(s)
Mick Coder, 2015-03-02

Made it like this! 011aac7b26104ffcb2723571c000320e.png
And I define actual reservations with queries like

FROM reservation
LEFT JOIN rooms ON rooms.id_room = reservation.id_room
WHERE reservation.lock_finish >= CURDATE()

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