Denis D2014-11-21 08:11:09
Network administration
Denis D, 2014-11-21 08:11:09

How to properly close port 80?

How to correctly close port 80 in the explorer.exe browser itself?
Path = browser properties-connections-network settings-proxy server.
Why can't I close it by simply unchecking it?

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4 answer(s)
Sergey Petrikov, 2014-11-21

And why the hell should it be closed by unchecking it? Close at the firewall level.

Sergey, 2014-11-21

I don't think you quite understand what you are doing.
The browser itself does not have port 80. It is a browser, not a web server. And it's purple for him which ports to go to. It's just that by default it climbs to the 80th port, as it is laid down by the standards of the hhtp protocol.
If you want not to go to 80, but let's say to 81... then on the firewall you need to set up a redirect from one port to another.
If you want to block access from outside to port 80 - use a firewall.
If you want to go to port 80 securely - use a proxy.

2bastu3, 2014-11-21

Article 274 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Sergey, 2014-11-21
Protko @Fesor

They get drunk with their drugs and then they try to close the ports.

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