Andrey Prozorov2020-11-09 09:34:57
Search Engine Optimization
Andrey Prozorov, 2020-11-09 09:34:57

How to promote articles these days?

I write articles for my website on legal topics and instructions. I want to drive traffic to them. It doesn’t really matter to me where this traffic comes from, from social networks or from PS. But it is necessary that these are interested people who came to consume the content and not accidentally clicked on the link. And I don't want it to be advertising (for clicks or impressions), those relatively perpetual placement. Where do you place such a link these days? About 5 years ago I did it through blogun and GGL.

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5 answer(s)
Kadzi, 2020-11-09

What to do to read the article. About the useful action
Check if the page looks like a piece of shit: unreadable structure, crooked adaptive, different indents, visual garbage, typography problems, quality of content images.

xmoonlight, 2020-11-09

I want to drive traffic to them. It doesn’t really matter to me where this traffic comes from, from social networks or from PS. But it is necessary that these are interested people who came to consume the content and not accidentally clicked on the link.
Here you have a contradiction. You either attract traffic or passively wait only for interested people through organic or direct transitions.
If the information is useful, proper SEO (+ design for comfortable reading and navigation) will be enough.

Anton Velichko, 2020-11-10

You asked a question in the "Search Engine Optimization" topic and are interested in placing links, which are one of the ranking factors, so we will consider your question from the point of view. receiving visitors from search engines (hereinafter - PS), and direct visits, as a result of the correct development of the Internet project.
User xmoonlight rightly pointed out that good SEO can help :

  • Technical and internal optimization (just google it), as a basis, peppered with good layout and navigation.

How to properly do internal SEO optimization is already a skill and it needs to be developed.
Then there will be a result, but only as initial positions (TOP-10 maximum).

User Kadzi added info by:
  • the uniqueness and interestingness of the information in the articles with screenshots and gave a link to an sensible article oriented to the media, but its usefulness does not decrease.
  • article design - structure, adaptability, attention blocks, linking, visual component, etc.

User aegorova78:
  • I touched on your second question - the placement of a link and gave an option on how to get it - analysis of the link profiles of competing sites for promoted queries.

I would like to add:
You mentioned getting traffic from direct hits. What is it?
Direct visits are visits by visitors that are made directly, whether it is a manually typed address of a web resource in the browser line or a transition from bookmarks. This also includes transitions from programs on a personal computer, for example, the interlocutor sent a link to the site on Skype or ICQ.
Sources of direct visits what is it:
  • brand popularity;
  • audience core.

Therefore, you need to carry out a number of activities to:
  1. increasing the popularity of the brand (your site, the expert who writes articles on the site);
  2. an increase in the core of the audience (Liveinternet statistics show it well, they have a separate report of the same name in the counter)

From myself I will add what is needed:
  1. increase CTR in the issuance of both PS due to the attractiveness of the Title / Description in snippets - there are many ways (for both PS)
  2. increase behavioral on the site (mainly for promotion in Yandex)
  3. increase the link mass on promoted articles (mainly under Google)
  4. the site must meet the requirements for YMYL and EAT sites (only under Google for now)

As for the question
Where do you place such a link these days?

Where is an easy question, because you take 8-10 parameters for selecting a quality donor site and voila.
And how to get a link that will be followed, and even better, so that it further raises the expertise of the content on your site in the eyes of Google, this, in my opinion, is more important and this requires skill. And I mentioned skill earlier.
As a result, now you know:
  1. the main areas that need to be worked on.
  2. what and where to look for in order to work out the answer to your question more accurately and efficiently and get the desired result.

The thing is small - just do it!

aegorova78, 2020-11-09

collect links through ahrefs, and walk through them)

Oleg, 2020-11-10

With Yandex Zen normal traffic

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