NameOf Var2017-12-01 10:33:51
C++ / C#
NameOf Var, 2017-12-01 10:33:51

How to programmatically get a list of all device properties in Device Manager?

Hi all!
There was an idea to write an application similar to USBDeview (an application that displays all currently connected USB devices). I also want to implement the functionality of turning on / off the USB device according to the schedule (USBDeview can also do this). All manipulations are carried out through requests to WMI. Faced a number of problems:
1. When you connect a new USB device, two devices appear - USB Mass Storage Device and Disk Drive. Which one to turn on / off so that the USB device is properly disconnected?
2. The request "select * from Win32_PnpEntity" returns a rather meager set of properties (for example, the parameters I need are missing, such as Matching device Id, Class, Is connected, etc. - all these parameters are in the Device Manager'e in the Details tab) . This is where the question comes from. How to display ALL properties that are in Device Manager'e?
Small code example:

using System;
using System.Management;

namespace TestRequest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
           ManagementObjectCollection collection;
            using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"Select * From Win32_PnpEntity"))
                collection = searcher.Get();

            foreach (var device in collection)
                foreach (var prop in device.Properties)
                    Console.WriteLine("\t{0} : {1}", prop.Name, prop.Value);



When connecting a flash drive, two new devices appear:
Disk Drive 5a2104e473c94284327513.png
USB Mass Storage Device 5a2104f89913c951240432.png
I need to get a list of these properties: 5a21058491bce799301529.png
Please tell me which direction should I go?

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2 answer(s)
NameOf Var, 2017-12-04


Dmitry Chernyakov, 2017-12-01

1. To disable, use USB Mass Storage Device
2. For more information about devices, use the query: "Select * From Win32_USBHub"

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