Anna2017-03-18 22:35:02
Anna, 2017-03-18 22:35:02

How to prevent the server from closing the connection to the database?

Good day. There is a server in Java, running under Ubuntu. I encountered a fairly common problem - after a certain time, the connection to the Mysql database is closed and does not allow anything to be put / taken away. Advises to set autoReconnect=true in JDBC properties, which doesn't help.
Further actions: I try to run a python program as a background process that pings the server every 10 minutes. Also doesn't help.

from commands import getoutput
from time import sleep
import re
import os

host='мой сервер'

p = re.compile('ttl=')

while True:   
    ping=getoutput('ping -c 2 %s' % host)
    if not p.findall(ping):
        print "Attempt to connect failed" 

Then I try not just to ping, but to make sure that the program really loads data every 10 minutes.
response = urllib.urlopen(host)
And here I get Python socket.error: connection refused .
Advise something, or how to fix the program in python, or how else can I figure out the connection to the database?

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3 answer(s)
Eugene Khrustalev, 2017-03-18

Use pool connections. There are a million settings and you don't need to ping anything.

Dimonchik, 2017-03-18

ping to the database in no way (well, except for checking the availability of the piece of iron)
pick the Java connector, it's very strange that it closes itself

Puma Thailand, 2017-03-19

use connection pool
ping is useless at all

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