Andrew2015-03-27 04:22:54
Andrew, 2015-03-27 04:22:54

How to prevent output of XHR finished loading request in chrome console?

On the basis of the Mozil pdf viewer, I made my own viewer, which does not allow you to download the file and track where it is. Everything seemed to be hidden. But in the chrome console there is a "preserve log" checkbox. If you click it, the line is displayed:
XHR finished loading: GET
How to disable its output?

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1 answer(s)
mayorovp, 2015-03-27

Try console.clear(). But this is all nonsense, because there is such a thing as the Network tab of the developer tools.
And even if you find a way to block developer tools - that is also fiddler, which does not block in any way.
If for some reason it is so important for you that the file is not downloaded, generate one-time links. Or even give your file from the server to your viewer page by page. However, this still does not prevent anyone who needs to download the file.

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