dvomaks2015-10-18 15:59:27
dvomaks, 2015-10-18 15:59:27

How to prevent all iframe content from loading?

There was such task: there is a page of a site, for example blabla.com/parent.html, on it iframe which loading is possible only from this domain.
How to load this iframe on your site?
Is it possible to make an iframe of the form <iframe src="blabla.com/parent.html"></iframe>, and prohibit loading the contents of the entire page except for the desired iframe?
Is it possible to make an iframe of the form <iframe src="blabla.com/parent.html"></iframe>, and prohibit loading the contents of the entire page, or delete it and insert the code of the desired iframe so that it can be seen by the blabla.com parent?
Is it possible to change the referrer for an iframe so that it sees blabla.com as its parent?

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2 answer(s)
Boris, 2015-10-22

If the site forbids showing itself in frames, then html will not solve your problem.
And the frame's referrer cannot be changed. This is done specifically to protect against xss and other hooliganism.
The only possible option is to request the page you need from another site on the server side of your site and embed it in your html as you like.

SerzN1, 2015-10-22

htmlbook.ru/html/iframe/sandbox is a good option, but it doesn't work everywhere

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