ankfrv2014-11-30 14:56:06
ankfrv, 2014-11-30 14:56:06

How to post to a Facebook page via Wordpress (and vice versa)?

A friend of mine, TM , wants to have a website in Wordress, while continuing to use social developments in Facebook with maximum comfort.
The question arose, using which plugin/extension/tool ​​can be used to connect such a site to a page as simply and reliably as possible so that a post published on the site is displayed as a post on the page?
It is also interesting, is it possible, by publishing a post on a Facebook page, to automatically receive a new post on the site? If possible, how?
Thank you.

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1 answer(s)
SabCoopers, 2014-11-30

Naturally, there are plugins for cross-posting from a WordPress site to a social network. A good solution might be to install Jetpack - which is a collection of plugins, widgets and services from wordpress.com.
This crap has the ability to automatically cross-post from the site to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Path and Google+
Only Vkontakte is missing, you will have to install an additional plugin for it

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