Peter2018-09-25 11:16:01
Peter, 2018-09-25 11:16:01

How to position the sidebars correctly?

Good afternoon. How can you place the sidebars on the site correctly if they are of different heights.
Here is an example of how I tried, but it is necessary that the two bottom card panels have a distance of 10 pixels from the slider. If you remove the side panels, then everything turns out. And if you leave them, then they pull the place and push it further than it should be.
How can this problem be solved?

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1 answer(s)
DivineDraft, 2018-09-25

Arrange the panels in the following order:
1) Divide the screen into two sections - 1 large and 2 small for the side panels.
2) In 1 put a large element and 2 of the lowest.
3) In 2 small, put those that are for the side.
I don't know about bootstrap, but judging by your layout, you need to move the bottom section to the end of col-md-10, before the closing /div.

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