Yevhenii K2015-11-23 21:25:42
Yevhenii K, 2015-11-23 21:25:42

How to pin footer?

May the gurus of this public forgive me, but my strength is no more. I've been sitting for an hour now, and I can't press the damned footer. It is necessary that, depending on the amount of data on the page (main), it be pressed, little at the bottom of the window, a lot of scrolling appears, and the footer at the bottom.
Here is my pain.
I'll say right off the bat, YES I used google search and toaster, but everything I found there didn't help. Of course, I do not deny the factor of my inexperience (curvature, who cares).
PS Thanks in advance.

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4 answer(s)
Kirill Mokevnin, 2015-11-24

Get to know flexbox. For cross-browser autoprefixer. After that, the world will be different.

Oleg Spiridonov, 2015-11-23

I have a similar footer behavior implemented on my site , you can see the implementation there. In short, when an element is added to the page (I add products to the list), a function is called that checks if the footer is in the visible area, and depending on this, adds or removes a class to the footer that is responsible for the position of the footer (pressed / unpressed).
Here is the function itself:

function togglefooter() {
  var $marker = $('#list');
  var $win = $(window);
    if ($win.scrollTop() + $win.height() - 55 < 55*$('#list').children().length + $marker.offset().top) {
      $('#control').addClass('navbar-default navbar-fixed-bottom');
      else {$('#control').removeClass('navbar-default navbar-fixed-bottom');}

I do not pretend to be a standard, but it works, it suits me =)

artyvr, 2015-11-23

I use this

sashabeep, 2015-11-24

No bootstrap, no flexbox and 100%
browser support. Replaced the top and bottom
divs with header/footer long time ago and footer


We hang it on window.load (or document.ready)+resize+orientationchange
If the blocks have internal indents, we take another height, for example, offsetHeight

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