Caspergreen2017-08-22 11:33:42
Caspergreen, 2017-08-22 11:33:42

How to perform count on Yii2 related tables?

There are three tables:
It is necessary - to pull out an amount of projects in each region.
the user table has a region_id field, the project table has a user_id field.
That is, display a list of all regions and determine the number of each project in it.
How to make count in this case?

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2 answer(s)
Maxim Fedorov, 2017-08-22

1. Create relationships between ActiveRecords of these tables
2. Load data using relations
3. Count the amount of data loaded

Kulay, 2017-08-22

Perhaps something like this?

select region.id, count(project.id) as total
from project
left join user on user.id = project.user_id
left join region on region.id = user.region_id
group by region.id

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