freakssha2019-12-12 23:49:22
freakssha, 2019-12-12 23:49:22

How to perform actions with widgets and then perform speech recognition using concurrent.futures.thread?

The goal is to first perform widget actions (create Button_1 and delete Button_2), then enable speech recognition.
I'm using the concurrent.futures.thread module, which did a great job of creating the asynchronous code needed to perform some tasks before implementing speech recognition.
In this attempt, the compiler goes through each line - this is indicated by the output of lines marked with '#for test' comments. Problem: Buttons are not created or deleted, but speech recognition works:

def someFunc(self, event):
        print('Interface change started') #for test
        #creates Button_1
        #deletes config.Button_2 (from another func)
        print('Interface change finished') #for test

        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor:
            fut = executor.submit(self.voiceRecognition)

    def voiceRecognition (self):
        print('Voice recognition was started') #for test
        r = sr.Recognizer()
        with sr.Microphone(device_index=1) as sourse:
            audio = r.listen(sourse)
            query = r.recognize_google(audio) 
       print('Voice recognition was finished') #for test

Output :
Interface change started
Interface change finished
Voice recognition started
Voice recognition finished

I tried to make a separate function 'ProcessCallManagement' and wrap actions with buttons in a separate function ' interfaceChanges ', but ... Problem : neither actions with buttons nor speech recognition are performed:
def processCallManagement(self, event):
        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor:
            fut1 = executor.submit(self.interfaceChanges)
            fut2 = executor.submit(self.voiceRecognition)

    def interfaceChanges(self):
        print('Interface change started') #for test
        #creates Button_1
        #deletes config.Button_2 (from another func)
        print('Interface change finished') #for test

    def voiceRecognition(self):
        print('Voice recognition was started') #for test
        r = sr.Recognizer()
        with sr.Microphone(device_index=1) as sourse:
            audio = r.listen(sourse)
            query = r.recognize_google(audio)
       print('Voice recognition was finished') #for test

Output data:
Interface change started
Here is how and what with the buttons specifically (separately from the context they work , and they work fine):
Button_1 = wx.Button(self)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.eventFunc, Button_1)

Help to understand the causes of problems and their practical solution, if possible using the concurrent.futures.thread module. If possible, of course. Thank you.

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