innokentylongway2018-09-17 17:56:43
innokentylongway, 2018-09-17 17:56:43

How to pass company verification on Facebook for an individual entrepreneur (IP)?

I can't verify my company on Facebook. Already rejected 4 times.
Tell me, who passed, what documents are needed for approval?
I think the problem is that I have an IP, not an LLC. And maybe Facebook doesn't like that the company doesn't have a name.
I tried to send:
1) a certificate of registration in the tax office
2) details of the bank account
3) payment to the tax office
4) passport
In support they are silent. I asked all my friends - no one knows the answer.
Help me please!

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2 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2018-09-17

go as an individual, this is not a tax

Carma, 2020-04-08

I still managed to pass verification as an IP. I corrected the data about 10 times and submitted it again for consideration. In short, the process is,
1) The information must exactly match what is in the documents. If the documents are in Russian, then the verification must be in Russian, exactly to the comma, brackets, etc.
IP Ivanov I.I. and Ivanov I.I. (IP) - matters, similarly with addresses, etc.
2) To confirm the registration of the individual entrepreneur, I used the USRNIP scan
3) To confirm the address, I used an extract from the bank (on opening accounts, the IP and the address are indicated here in full, in Russian), A copy of the payment to the tax authority (the IP and address are indicated here in full, in Russian) , passport (photo + registration)

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