Grigory Boev2020-03-01 15:47:02
Google Apps Script
Grigory Boev, 2020-03-01 15:47:02

How to pass arguments to a function called from a menu?

Good afternoon. There is a task - to make the menu which items are loaded from the table.
With a static menu, I do this:

function onOpen() { 
  //Выполняется при открытии

How can you pass any parameters to the function, or find out which menu item was called if you make the same names for the functions? There is an option - to call the functions menuItem1 , menuItem2 , menuItem3 , etc. and for each, make a click handler that will call the target function with the necessary data, but this is a crutch. In the Google help, the functions are also specified as a string and nothing is said about the parameters.

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Ivanov, 2020-03-01

Let's say you have a menu description for some function

var MENU = [
    caption: 'Пункт меню 1',
    functionName: 'itemMenu',
    caption: 'Пункт меню 2',
    functionName: 'itemMenu',
    caption: 'Пункт меню 3',
    functionName: 'itemMenu',

Obviously, in addition to the main menu, you can also build a menu from this array
function onOpen() {
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();

  var menu = ui.createMenu('Test');

  MENU.forEach(function(item, i) {
    menu.addItem(item.caption, item.functionName + i);


Let's say it itemMenuworks like this
function itemMenu(e) {
  var caption = e.item.caption;
  var order = e.order;
    Utilities.formatString('Был нажат %sй пункт меню: %s', order + 1, caption)

Then you can pass the wrapped callbacks with the given argument to the global context
(function(self) {
  MENU.forEach(function(item, i) {
    self[item.functionName + i] = function() {
      return self[item.functionName]({ item: item, order: i });

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