albertalexandrov2018-03-03 17:22:26
albertalexandrov, 2018-03-03 17:22:26

How to parse spimex?

There is St. Petersburg Commodity International Exchange spimex.com/markets/oil_products/trades/game (demo, recording of one trading day at x10 speed).
Please tell me how to:
1. use a query to set a filter for a specific product, for example, "All types of petroleum products" -> "Premium-95"?
2. How to track (parse) quotes so that I don't get called Mr. Coder?
For now, I imagine it like this: at certain intervals, requests using requests, downloading html, parsing, writing.
Thank you all in advance for your replies and tips.
PS I also see that the server gives updates like this:

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1 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2018-03-03

here see the principle
instrumentally you can yes, in a simple way: requests + soup or whatever, I prefer pycurl (when not scarapy)
https://www.telerik.com/fiddler will help with headers of
course, save cookies it must

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