wkololo_4ever2014-03-14 19:28:46
wkololo_4ever, 2014-03-14 19:28:46

How to output newline in ASP.NET?

There is an input in which I enter data, which includes a line feed. I display this text using the method @Html.Raw()
However, all newlines disappear, and a message is obtained in one line. How to give the user the ability to translate a line?

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1 answer(s)
grafmania, 2014-03-15

<input />does not support line breaks, and therefore does not allow you to enter multiline text.
Use <textarea></textarea>
If there are problems with it, that is, I have a suspicion that you store the lines that you output in the wrong form, try to add to the field in which you store the line[DataType(DataType.MultilineText)]

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