vss962018-05-10 01:43:37
vss96, 2018-05-10 01:43:37

How to use the onchange select event to fill 3 inputs at once?

Quite recently I started to study ASP.NEt MVC, I'm going to make a web interface for calculation. There is a SQL database (local) from which I pass the names of cities and the corresponding thermal characteristics (T_ext, Z_ht, T_ht) to the select tag using the foreach loop and ViewBag, in which I store the data. And so, it is necessary for me onchange in selecte to fill with the corresponding data three input fields.
I tried with getelementbyid, it turns out to display the value of only one parameter in one input.
The select itself:

Выберите город,в котором планируете строительство:
        <select id="select" onchange="">
            <option selected="selected">Выберите город</option>
            @foreach (var b in ViewBag.cities)

ViewBag.cities contains data like:
db.cities.Add(new Cities { Name = "Nizhny Novgorod", T_ext=-31, T_ht=215, Z_ht=-4.1 });
db.cities.Add(new Cities { Name = "Rostov-on-Don", T_ext = -22, T_ht = 171, Z_ht = -0.6 });
db.cities.Add(new Cities { Name = "Taganrog", T_ext = -22, T_ht = 167, Z_ht = -0.4 });

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3 answer(s)
eRKa, 2018-05-10

On server

<select id="select">
  <option selected="selected">Выберите город</option>
  @foreach (var b in ViewBag.cities)
    <option value='@JsonConvert.SerializeObject(b)'>@b.Name</option>

On the client
  var $val = $(this).find('option:selected').val();
  if(!$val) return;
  var obj = JSON.parse($val); // здесь js объект с вашими полями
  // и здесь его можно обработать и заполнить свои инпуты
  var t_ext = obj.T_ext;
  var t_ht = obj.T_ht;
  var z_ht = obj.Z_ht;

  $('input#T_ext').val(t_ext);  // Добавил исходя из Ваших комментариев других ответов

Dmitry Kovalsky, 2018-05-10

You have all options with the same value value. Yes, for reference . And now my key question - what happens in the onchange event, which you did not show here? Suppose you have option:selected. What do you take from there? title? Or do you want to get some more values ​​on the client side by name from the ViewBag? I have bad news for you - you can’t do this, and I’m 99% sure that it’s impossible. This is a server object.

Konstantin Borovik, 2018-05-10

If I understand you correctly, you can't take three values ​​at once? If yes, then there are several solutions for you:
1. in each option tag, write three hidden input fields that will contain these values:
On the onchange event, you simply look at which element was selected and take the values ​​from the hidden fields.
2. option through js array. create an array of objects and stuff all the values ​​into it. then, for each option, set a value that will correspond to an array element. well, at the onchange event, you take the value and pull out the array object by index.
I could say more if you provided your onchange event and the input fields in question.

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