shanik2018-02-20 15:02:46
shanik, 2018-02-20 15:02:46

How to output it correctly?

There is an array:
There are also other parameters in the array.
you need to get this look, i.e. for each parameter a table is built with its values:

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3 answer(s)
imhuman, 2018-02-20

Well, if a separate table is being built for the parameter , then it would be more logical to group the data precisely on this basis, and building on them will no longer be any difficulty. Something like this


Alexander, 2018-02-20

echo "Тут заголовок, с разделителем \t", "\n";
foreach ($array as $arr) {
    echo $arr['name'], "\t", $arr['value_1'], "\t", $arr['value_2'], "\n";

The console will display what you need. For the browser, you need to draw a table, but the output loop will be the same.

Nikita, 2018-02-20

More or less like this

    <th>Параметры и групы</th>
  <? foreach ($array as $row) {?>

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