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How to output foreach loop in select2 or choosen?
hello, please help me solve the problem.
Regions are displayed here in 3 columns, if you select a region, then possible cities appear,
so when you try to remove all this heresy and display it in a regular select2 or choosen, nothing happens, or an error, tell me who understands this smarty, which parts of the cycles to remove , and what should be left for normal output in select.
In fact, I just need to take cycles from here and output instead of ul in select ..
I tried like this:
{foreach from=$fields item=v name=f}
{if $v.type=="depending"}
<select class="tests45" style="width: 100%;">
{foreach from=$v.elements item=e name=el}
<option value="" id="{$v.caption}{$}" class="mlink {if $type=='double'}dep_selector{/if}{if $location_array[$v.caption]==$} bold underline{/if}"
{if $type!="double"}onclick='changeLocation("{$live_site}", "{$settings.location_fields}|{$}")'{/if}>{$}{if $>0} <!--({$})--> {/if}</option>
<div id="locations_list">
<form name="set_location" id="set_location" method="post" action="">
{* one location field *}
{if ','|explode:$settings.location_fields|@count==1}
{assign var="type" value="single"}
<input type="hidden" name="direct" id="direct" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="field" id="field" value="{$settings.location_fields}" />
<input type="hidden" name="location" id="location" value="" />
{else}{* input fields for each of the location fields *}
{assign var="type" value="double"}
{* the list is used when deleting a location to clear the next depending locations also *}
<input type="hidden" name="locations_array" id="locations_array" value="{foreach from=$fields item=v name=f}{if $smarty.foreach.f.index!=0}|{/if}{$v.caption}^{$}{/foreach}" />
{foreach from=$fields item=v name=f}
<input type="hidden" name="{$v.caption}" id="{$v.caption}" value="{$location_array[$v.caption]}" />
<input type="hidden" name="{$v.caption}_id" id="{$v.caption}_id" value="" />
{if $v.type=="depending"}
<input type="hidden" name="{$v.caption}_dep_id" id="{$v.caption}_dep_id" value="{$v.dep_id}" />
<input type="hidden" name="{$v.caption}_table" id="{$v.caption}_table" value="{$v.table}" />
{/if} {* end double *}
{foreach from=$fields item=v name=f}
<div class="mt20">
<div class="lfloat heading"><span class="sdffe_HJ778" style="line-height: 50px;">{$}</span></div>
<div class="delete_location rfloat mt15"><a href='javascript:;' class="link_delete_location" id="delete{if $type=="double"}_{$v.caption}{/if}"><img src="{$template_path}images/delete.png" id="img_delete{if $type=="double"}_{$v.caption}{/if}" {if !$location_array[$v.caption]}class="low_op"{/if}/></a></div>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="loc_selector" id="div_{$v.caption}">
{if $v.type=="depending"}
<ul class="nolist list1">
{if $v.elements|@count>0}
{assign var="c" value="1"}
{foreach from=$v.elements item=e name=el}
<li style="margin-bottom: 7px;" class="mlink {if $type=='double'}dep_selector{/if}{if $location_array[$v.caption]==$} bold underline{/if}" id="{$v.caption}{$}" {if $type!="double"}onclick='changeLocation("{$live_site}", "{$settings.location_fields}|{$}")'{/if}><span style="border-bottom:1px solid #09f;">{$}</span>{if $>0} <!--({$})--> {/if}</li>
{if $smarty.foreach.el.index==$c*$v.no_per_column-1}
<ul class="nolist list1">
{assign var="c" value=$c+1}
{$lng.location.choose} {$}
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<ul class="nolist list1">
{assign var="c" value="1"}
{foreach from=$v.elements item=e name=el}
<li class="mlink menu_selector{if $location_array[$v.caption]==$e} bold underline{/if}" style="margin-bottom: 7px;"><span>{$e}</span></li>
{if $smarty.foreach.el.index==$c*$v.no_per_column-1}
<ul class="nolist list1">
{assign var="c" value=$c+1}
<div class="clearfix"></div>
</div> {* end loc_selector *}
</div> {* end loc_holder *}
<div class="clearfix"></div>
{if $type=="double"}
<div class="rfloat mt20">
<input type="submit" class="button" name="Save" id="Save" value="{$lng.location.save_location}" />
<div class="clearfix"></div>
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