DEnisLEB2018-07-20 10:32:14
Web development
DEnisLEB, 2018-07-20 10:32:14

How to organize the storage of user files?

There is a need to allow the user to make investments, what is the best way to do this? create mazes from folders ? or in db?

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2 answer(s)
RidgeA, 2018-07-20

in the general case - "mazes" (although everything is transparent there) from folders

Yupa20171123, 2018-07-20

* Storage: Attachment size. If "small" then the database. And if the FS is large (or it will fill up quickly). Or each user has put on a file or partition.
* Security: If the database can be pulled out or changed only in it (as a rule). If the FS is either an implementation on the software (so that it was impossible to exit it) or forosho filter requests.
* Access: the system of symbolic links allows you to organize directories with a search no worse than in the database.

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