Alexey2017-01-18 11:13:36
Computer networks
Alexey, 2017-01-18 11:13:36

How to organize the interaction of two identical subnets?

There are two local networks with the same subnets 192.168.1.x , naturally they have the same addresses.
We need to connect them and organize interaction.
What technologies can be used?
Is this done exclusively by the switch or can it be programmed like that?

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2 answer(s)
Andrew, 2017-01-18

Two NATs towards each other. Naturally, there will be problems with many application services, but you will solve some of the issues.

athacker, 2017-01-18

With the same and intersecting addressing, no interaction between two different subnets is possible. Just according to the logic of the TCP / IP stack. Before sending packets, each machine checks to see if the destination address belongs to its network. And if so, she will send it to her network.
If you need access from one segment to another, and the networks are local - make a common addressing policy, and exclude IP conflicts. After that, all in one VLAN, and let's go.
If the networks are remote, then in one of them you need to change the IP addressing. If it is important to keep the subnet, divide it into two parts, driving machines from one segment to addresses, and the second to, and put the mask everywhere . Then it will be possible to configure routing.

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