JaktensTid2021-01-10 19:48:52
Payment systems
JaktensTid, 2021-01-10 19:48:52

How to organize the collection and payment of money to service participants abroad?

Good afternoon. There is a service in which people (persons 1) pay for a service provided by other people (persons 2).
Through which payment systems and how to organize the collection of money and subsequent payment to persons 2?
PayPal? Open LLC in America? I will be glad to hear any suggestions.

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2 answer(s)
Philipp, 2021-01-11

1. Hire a local lawyer and lawyer, work out tax issues and do all the necessary paperwork.
2. Open an LLC in America
3. Payouts are made through various APIs. Paypal and Stripe can do this.

Developer, 2021-01-11

Skrill, Xolla, Paypal
LLC in America is easiest to open in Delaware

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