Viktor2017-05-31 23:22:37
Viktor, 2017-05-31 23:22:37

How to organize barcode printing?

This is my first time dealing with barcodes.
A customer from the USA wants to do such a thing: generate a bunch of codes with type values ​​from 1 to 99999, remember this number somewhere, and in general make a PDF with codes, print and paste these codes on boxes. The company for which we are doing the program is engaged in logistics, transports all things from building A to a warehouse and then to building B. For example, when a hospital has a repair or relocation.
Knowing the customer in 99% of cases, his decisions are not correct, but I have no experience here, so I don’t know how best to do it. I googled a site where companies are registered and they are given a code that is entered into their database, and based on this, we get real barcodes that will be valid everywhere in the world. But in this case, you just need to mark the boxes with a unique number. I am confused by the stupid generation of barcodes with numbers from 0 to 99999, and then I don’t even know what type of barcode to choose ...

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1 answer(s)
Rsa97, 2017-05-31

EAN/UPC, which must be registered in the registry, is used by manufacturers so that each product has its own unique barcode.
If you need to label storage bins and the numbering will be used only within the company, then you do not need to register anywhere and you can use any convenient type of barcode. If only numbers are needed, then Interleaved 2 of 5 (I25) will be the most compact.

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