Alexey2013-12-23 19:11:12
Alexey, 2013-12-23 19:11:12

How to organize a remote reboot of computers running MS-DOS?

The problem is that there are computers with MS-DOS OS (cash registers with Crystal software) and they need to be rebooted by a command from the network. The option to reboot on a specific day and time will also suit.
I would like to hear about options for solving this problem - ready-made solutions in the form of applications or examples of program code capable of doing this would come up.

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3 answer(s)
Alexey, 2014-01-11

I found the solution myself. The machines have a Crystal trading module, which has a reset tool, but it was not known how it works.
As a result of studying its database and analyzing what is happening, a request was written that generates a task to restart all the cash registers of the store:

IF object_id('tempdb..#TableId') is not NULL DROP TABLE #TableId

-- создаем временную таблицу с id-заданий на перезагрузку кассы
SELECT tt.id as Targid
INTO #TableId
FROM [SES].[dbo].[TransferTargets] tt
  INNER JOIN [SES].[dbo].[Cashes] cs
On tt.Targetid = cs.number and tt.TargetType = 1

-- заполнение таблицы заданий на ребут
INSERT SES.dbo.TransferCmd 
   (TransferType, DataId, Operation, TargetId, Data, ContextId)
   131, 0, 0, Targid, 'REBOOTCASH|TASK=0,1;QUEST=2', 0 
FROM #TableId

IF object_id('tempdb..#TableId') is not NULL DROP TABLE #TableId

And then a task was added that worked out according to the schedule at the time I needed

Valentine, 2013-12-23

Put telnetd on them, and from some other machine connect remotely and reboot by cron

Ilya Evseev, 2013-12-25

Telnetd for WatTCP: sariolla.ru/index.php?option=com_content&id=97:tel...
Theoretically, it should work through a packet driver from PC/TCP.

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