atomic_mist2015-07-29 08:02:58
Mobile development
atomic_mist, 2015-07-29 08:02:58

How to organize a payroll in the application for a physicist?

Good afternoon, almighty All!
An iOS application is being created for a photo printing and delivery service (that is, selling a real physical product or printing service, perhaps the service sounds better - if you can call it that).
Are there payment systems that can be integrated into the application without registering an individual entrepreneur? As I understand it, paypal can be integrated, but with limits on the amount per month? I have been using Paypal for a very long time and used it to sell on ebay. or is it easiest to connect paypal with regular payment (with an account) and without registration (only by card)?
What do you advise?

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry Kovalsky, 2015-07-29

Search Google for "mobile acquiring". The fact is that most modern bank cards are protected through 3d-secure. You cannot make such a posting with a regular get-post request, you need to bring the user to the bank's website. Also read the agreements on the websites of payment aggregators. Yandex.kassa, robokassa, payonline. It seems they do not disdain to work with individuals.

z0rgoyok, 2015-07-29


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