NewDevLab2020-01-31 14:31:54
NewDevLab, 2020-01-31 14:31:54

How to navigate with arrows in PS?

I want to make an interactive script - a menu, which, in addition to 1 ... N, takes another control from the keyboard, such as arrows, etc. to move through the menu. Is there anything similar?

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2 answer(s)
MaxKozlov, 2020-02-04

Something like that ?

function ShowMenu([array]$Menu, [int]$Default)
  $minY = [Console]::CursorTop
  $y = [Math]::Max([Math]::Min($Default, $Menu.Count), 0)
  do {
    [Console]::CursorTop = $minY
    [Console]::CursorLeft = 0
    $i = 0
    foreach ($item in $Menu) {
      $colors = @{
         BackgroundColor = if ($i -ne $y) { [Console]::BackgroundColor } else { 'Cyan' }
         ForegroundColor = if ($i -ne $y) { [Console]::ForegroundColor } else {' Blue' }
      Write-Host (' {0}. {1} ' -f ($i+1), $item) @colors
    $k = [Console]::ReadKey()
    switch ($k.Key) {
      'UpArrow' { if ($y -gt 0) { $y-- } }
      'DownArrow' { if ($y -lt ($menu.Count - 1)) { $y++ } }
      'Enter' { return $Menu[$y] }
  } while ($k.Key -notin ([ConsoleKey]::Escape, [ConsoleKey]::Enter))

$Menu = 'test1','text2','menu3','result4'

ShowMenu $menu 2

Reaction to other buttons can be modified to taste

Eugene, 2020-01-31

Try to use the instructions from this article scriptcoding.ru/2013/06/25/wscript-shell-sendkeys

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