Timur Egorov2021-06-23 12:07:32
Command line
Timur Egorov, 2021-06-23 12:07:32

How to narrow down a console application?

How to narrow down a console application?
If I bet it doesn't work out very well
Console.SetWindowSize(55, 10);

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2 answer(s)
Alexander Ananiev, 2021-06-23

Use properties Console.BufferWidthandConsole.BufferHeight

Vasily Bannikov, 2021-06-23

How to narrow down a console application?

What is meant?
doesn't work out very well

As it turns out? Not everyone will run the code to check.
In general, a console application does not have a window, that's why it is a console application.
That's why you can't change the size of the terminal window.

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