Kostrula2020-03-02 12:33:48
Google Sheets
Kostrula, 2020-03-02 12:33:48

How to modify formula in google spreadsheet?

Good afternoon!
Please help me with a formula that can count the total number of unique values ​​​​(column (A)), written through a separator (in my case, separated by a comma) and at the same time makes a cumulative result of these unique values

​​\u200b\u200bfor a specified date (column H) for any period ( for example, for a month).Ideally, so that you can take into account additional conditions, for example, count the quantity for each individual supplier (column I). I
managed to find individual conditions on the Internet how to do it (columns B, C, F, G), but how to combine them - lack of knowledge and understanding of how it all works.To
make it clearer what is needed, I manually wrote in columns D and E what the final result of the formulas should be.


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1 answer(s)
Alexander Ivanov, 2020-03-06

You probably need

  1. filter values ​​by month,
  2. then combine the resulting list separated by commas,
  3. transpose it,
  4. choose unique
  5. and count

For the first line
    ", "

To count with suppliers, you just need to tighten the filter
Example table Find the number of occurrences by the condition that the element ...

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