ookldev2018-06-09 21:29:44
Web development
ookldev, 2018-06-09 21:29:44

How to migrate your site to Wordpress?

I have an information portal written in php. It does not have a lot of functionality (registration, authorization, several forms and a couple of small php scripts).
I decided to transfer it to wp for convenient publication of articles.
How to do it right?

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2 answer(s)
Vladimir Druzhaev, 2018-06-10

Look at the structure of your database, look at the structure of the wordpress database.
Write a migrator. Transfer data.
Add the missing functionality.
This is from the series: how to draw an owl. The steps are simple. But the details...

Stalker_RED, 2018-06-10

Registration and authorization is in WP out of the box.
With forms it is more difficult - you need to find out what exactly these forms do, whether there is such functionality in WP or plugins. If not, write your own implementation or migrate an existing one.
The articles themselves can most likely be converted. Even if there is no ready-made converter, you can overtake them into csv, bring them into a form that is understandable to WordPress imports (at least Excel, for example), and import them.

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