igix2018-04-28 00:40:50
igix, 2018-04-28 00:40:50

How to make youtube video preview for gallery?


There is a kind of gallery - on top there is a large window for displaying a full-sized photo / video, and on the bottom there is a preview in the form of these photos and videos (5 pcs).
When a preview is clicked, jquery takes an attribute in the form of a link to a photo or video code (iframe) and substitutes it into
the gallery itself (large window on top). The pictures change, but I can’t get the video code and transfer it to the gallery window, because when you click on a video preview, the video starts playing in the same preview and the iframe code is not transferred to the variable!
Photos and videos will then be dynamically substituted (via the ACF plugin or from the post content).

Tell me how to solve this problem?

Here is roughly what I want - https://smartslider3.com/video-slider/#one

Or advise a video + photo gallery with a preview below, so that you can dynamically display these photos / videos from the post.

Thank you!

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1 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2018-04-28

You can use ACF (Repeater for example) + script to create a carousel.
Implementation example with owl carousel (however, the example on the link is not quite like yours, but probably if you dig into the documentation, you can find the style you need) - https://owlcarousel2.github.io/OwlCarousel2/demos/...
or for example, this slider - flexslider.woothemes.com/video.html
It seems that they tried to implement something using Flexslider with video thumbnails https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11710188/jquer...
By the way, if you need to get thumbnails from YouTube and other aggregators, you can use the following code. Can be used with oembed ACF field type

// Grab video thumbnail from oembed
function get_video_thumbnail_uri( $video_uri ) {
  $thumbnail_uri = '';
  // determine the type of video and the video id
  $video = parse_video_uri( $video_uri );
  // get youtube thumbnail
  if ( $video['type'] == 'youtube' )
    $thumbnail_uri = 'https://img.youtube.com/vi/' . $video['id'] . '/mqdefault.jpg';
  // get vimeo thumbnail
  if( $video['type'] == 'vimeo' )
    $thumbnail_uri = get_vimeo_thumbnail_uri( $video['id'] );
  // get wistia thumbnail
  if( $video['type'] == 'wistia' )
    $thumbnail_uri = get_wistia_thumbnail_uri( $video_uri );
  // get default/placeholder thumbnail
  if( empty( $thumbnail_uri ) || is_wp_error( $thumbnail_uri ) )
    $thumbnail_uri = ''; 
  //return thumbnail uri
  return $thumbnail_uri;
// Parse the video uri/url to determine the video type/source and the video id
function parse_video_uri( $url ) {
  // Parse the url 
  $parse = parse_url( $url );	
  // Set blank variables
  $video_type = '';
  $video_id = '';
  // Url is http://youtu.be/xxxx
  if ( $parse['host'] == 'youtu.be' ) {
  $video_type = 'youtube';
  $video_id = ltrim( $parse['path'],'/' );	
// Url is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxxx 
// or http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=xxx
// or http://www.youtube.com/embed/xxxx
if ( ( $parse['host'] == 'youtube.com' ) || ( $parse['host'] == 'www.youtube.com' ) ) {
  $video_type = 'youtube';
  parse_str( $parse['query'] );
  $video_id = $v;	
    if ( !empty( $feature ) )
      $video_id = end( explode( 'v=', $parse['query'] ) );
    if ( strpos( $parse['path'], 'embed' ) == 1 )
      $video_id = end( explode( '/', $parse['path'] ) );
// Url is http://www.vimeo.com
if ( ( $parse['host'] == 'vimeo.com' ) || ( $parse['host'] == 'www.vimeo.com' ) ) {
  $video_type = 'vimeo';
  $video_id = ltrim( $parse['path'],'/' );	
  $host_names = explode(".", $parse['host'] );
  $rebuild = ( ! empty( $host_names[1] ) ? $host_names[1] : '') . '.' . ( ! empty($host_names[2] ) ? $host_names[2] : '');
// Url is an oembed url wistia.com
if ( ( $rebuild == 'wistia.com' ) || ( $rebuild == 'wi.st.com' ) ) {
    $video_type = 'wistia';		
  if ( strpos( $parse['path'], 'medias' ) == 1 )
    $video_id = end( explode( '/', $parse['path'] ) );
// If recognised type return video array
if ( !empty( $video_type ) ) {
  $video_array = array('type' => $video_type, 'id' => $video_id);
  return $video_array;
  } else {
    return false;
//Takes a Vimeo video/clip ID and calls the Vimeo API v2 to get the large thumbnail URL.
function get_vimeo_thumbnail_uri( $clip_id ) {
  $vimeo_api_uri = 'http://vimeo.com/api/v2/video/' . $clip_id . '.php';
  $vimeo_response = wp_remote_get( $vimeo_api_uri );
    if( is_wp_error( $vimeo_response ) ) {
      return $vimeo_response;
    } else {
      $vimeo_response = unserialize( $vimeo_response['body'] );
      return $vimeo_response[0]['thumbnail_large'];
//Takes a wistia oembed url and gets the video thumbnail url.
function get_wistia_thumbnail_uri( $video_uri ) {
  if ( empty($video_uri) )
    return false;
    $wistia_api_uri = 'http://fast.wistia.com/oembed?url=' . $video_uri;
    $wistia_response = wp_remote_get( $wistia_api_uri );
    if( is_wp_error( $wistia_response ) ) {
      return $wistia_response;
    } else {
      $wistia_response = json_decode( $wistia_response['body'], true );
      return $wistia_response['thumbnail_url'];

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