Rostislav2018-01-26 23:41:17
Building projects
Rostislav, 2018-01-26 23:41:17

How to make your own front end faucet?

I tried BEM - I liked the approach, but it strongly binds to its technologies and is difficult for a layout designer who has not grown up to the front end of the developer.
I tried TARS - everything is cool, but it's not very well supported and every time you have to edit various jambs.
I tried to write my own - it did not work out very well.
I came to the conclusion that I still have to write my own. Please advise how (using which gulp plugins) to implement the following:
- project structure - like in BEM / Tars, in component style: css, js, html, images are in the same folder and are combined during assembly;
- supports twig/pug;
- does not fall off (when files are deleted) and keeps track of new files without the need to restart;
- rebuilds the project when files are changed (when files are changed, the component rebuilds the entire page).
- of course autoprefixer, livereload and so on.

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3 answer(s)
Oleg, 2018-01-27

You can look at my place and try it (it seems that all the requirements from your list are there), or just look at the implementation and write your own.

Anton Filippov, 2018-01-27

just read the galp documentation and make your build, set up the structure yourself, connect pag / twig / browsersync there too

Dima Polos, 2018-01-27

Here are a few playlists
. I think if you delve into these videos, these videos will help you make your build system exactly the way you need it. The galp playlist has info on how to create your own plugin. And about webpack, it's generally a flexible thing.

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