Lesnoy 40rt2021-11-05 21:18:56
Lesnoy 40rt, 2021-11-05 21:18:56

How to make welcome msg via bot.event?

I'm trying to make sure that when a person enters the server, the bot does the following:
Get information about the user (name, discriminator, avatar)
Get current information about the server (Guild.name, memberCount)
Substitute the above into a link to the site with the API Get it
from links ready welcome.png
There are two questions:
1) How to implement information about the user? Through discord.User or discord.Member?
2) What specific event to set? on_member_join()?
I read the documentation and couldn't figure it out. If someone can give a ready-made working piece of code that uses on_member_join () I will be very grateful
UPD: I forgot to clarify that the bot is implemented through commands.Bot, not discord.Client

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1 answer(s)
Philip Sagan, 2021-11-06

My client variable is also commands.Bot.
If anything, I have it in cog, you will need to replace the decorator with @client.event, and self.client.get with client.get.

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