Febel2018-08-30 19:25:18
Febel, 2018-08-30 19:25:18

How to make the bot see conversation messages?

I have my own VK bot.
VK added the ability to add a community to conversations. My bot is in the community. All messages that come to the community - he answers them.
But the messages from the conversation, he does not even see them.
If you open the messages of the group, you will not see these conversations there either.
What to do?
How can a solution be found?

import requests
import vk_api
import vk
from random import randint
from vk_api.longpoll import VkLongPoll, VkEventType

hello = ['Доброго времени суток!','Ну привет.','Приветствую!','Приветули!','Здарова']
bye = ['Пока.','Бай-бай','До новых встреч!','Досвидания!','Пока-пока.']

vk = vk_api.VkApi(token='MYTOKEN')

values = {'out': 0, 'count': 100, 'offset': 0}
response=vk.method('messages.getConversations', values)

def write_msg(user_id, s):
    vk.method('messages.send', {'user_id':user_id, 'message':s})
def write_group(chat_id,s):
    vk.method('messages.send', {'chat_id': chat_id, 'message': s})


def main():

    longpoll = VkLongPoll(vk)

    for event in longpoll.listen():

        if event.type == VkEventType.MESSAGE_NEW:

            if event.from_user:

                response = vk.method('messages.getConversations', values)

                if response['items'] and response['items'][0]['last_message']['from_id'] > 0:

                    response = response['items'][0]

                    if event.text.lower() == 'привет'т or event.text.lower() =='приветик':
                        write_msg(response['conversation']['peer']['id'], hello[randint(0, len(hello) - 1)])

                    elif response['last_message']['text'].lower() == 'пока':
                        write_msg(response['conversation']['peer']['id'], bye[randint(0, len(bye) - 1)])
                        # write_msg(response['conversation']['peer']['id'], 'Я не знаю что тебе ответить.')

            elif event.from_chat:

                response = vk.method('messages.getConversations', values)

                if response['items'] and response['items'][0]['last_message']['from_id'] > 0:
                    response = response['items'][0]
                    if event.text.lower() == 'привет' or event.text.lower() =='приветик':
                        write_group(event.chat_id,hello[randint(0, len(hello) - 1)])

                    elif event.text.lower() == 'пока':
                        write_group(event.chat_id,bye[randint(0, len(bye) - 1)])


if __name__ == '__main__':

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1 answer(s)
Helow19274, 2018-08-30

Implemented here: https://github.com/python273/vk_api

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