Alexander Timofeev2015-10-10 12:42:03
Alexander Timofeev, 2015-10-10 12:42:03

How to make the :before pseudo-element work on input in firefox? Are there any crutches?

Everything works in Chrome! No, Firefox needs everything to be by fucking standards!
UPD: In principle, there is no problem with the wrapper, I have all the inputs in the label, but I used :before for the image replacing the default circle for input[type='radio'], and if I had previously written for the corresponding input state: checked:before, then now this, apparently, cannot be configured without jquery ...

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry Kim, 2015-10-10

I asked this question once on a toaster, it turned out that ::after and ::before pseudo-elements are available for container elements according to the standard.

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