Frel2016-11-15 14:12:55
Frel, 2016-11-15 14:12:55

How to make the background transparent?

Through styles or is it better with a picture?
PS And in general, what is considered good form to do with a picture or through styles?

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5 answer(s)
Andrey Minisol, 2016-11-15

you can see an implementation example here: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/transparent-ba...
I can’t say about a good tone (

Dmitry Klusevich, 2016-11-15

The background is the design, it is desirable to take out the design in styles. And Andrey Minisol suggested a good solution to the problem.

Alexander Reshetnyak, 2016-11-15

If you do not often change the background, then it is better to load it in advance with less contrast or blurry

Koreetz Koreetz, 2016-11-15

You can make a transparent background through styles, background:transparent;

Ankhena, 2016-11-15

From your question and illustration to it, at the moment, it is not quite clear what effect should be achieved.
If the background is a picture, then it is logical that you will still have a request for a picture, and since this is a background, then insert it correctly using background via CSS.
If it should be translucent - draw it immediately translucent. If at the same time she must somehow change during hover or other manipulations, you can use the Andrey Minisol method , there will be fewer pictures.

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