Alexander Vishnev2018-09-22 18:01:58
Alexander Vishnev, 2018-09-22 18:01:58

How to make one database (on Postgres) on two physically separate servers?

How to make one database (Postgres) on two physically separate servers?
Those. we have two servers. Each server has 400 GB of disk space. The database is over 400 GB i.e. it is necessary that when the database reaches a certain size (for example, 370GB) on server 1, the data is automatically uploaded to server 2. And when a request (for example, select blablabla) to server 1, the data is also "sniffed" from server 2.
Google queries on the topic clustering and replication, but I did not find articles for my task.

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2018-09-22

Google about sharding.

Konstantin, 2018-09-23


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