IgorRastarov2017-03-14 12:21:10
IgorRastarov, 2017-03-14 12:21:10

How to make menu link inactive in MODX?

Hello. Site on modx. I have a Top Menu which is set using Wayfinder.
Here is the chunk:

<div class="nav-col">
[[!Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &outerTpl=`topmenu_outerTpl`
    &rowTpl=`Wayfinder.rowTpl`    &includeDocs=[[getResources?  &parents=`0`  &depth=`3`  &limit=`0`  &tpl=`@INLINE 491346`  &outputSeparator=`,` &tvFilters=`menuplace==%top%`]]]]

Here is the Wayfinder snippet:
$wayfinder_base = 
/* include a custom config file if specified */
if (isset($scriptProperties['config'])) {
    $scriptProperties['config'] = str_replace('../','',$scriptProperties['config']);
    $scriptProperties['config'] = $wayfinder_base.'configs/'.$scriptProperties['config'].'.config.php';
} else {
    $scriptProperties['config'] = $wayfinder_base.'configs/default.config.php';
if (file_exists($scriptProperties['config'])) {
    include $scriptProperties['config'];
/* include wayfinder class */
include_once $wayfinder_base.'wayfinder.class.php';
if (!$modx->loadClass('Wayfinder',$wayfinder_base,true,true)) {
    return 'error: Wayfinder class not found';
$wf = new Wayfinder($modx,$scriptProperties);
/* get user class definitions
 * TODO: eventually move these into config parameters */
$wf->_css = array(
    'first' => isset($firstClass) ? $firstClass : '',
    'last' => isset($lastClass) ? $lastClass : 'last',
    'here' => isset($hereClass) ? $hereClass : 'active',
    'parent' => isset($parentClass) ? $parentClass : '',
    'row' => isset($rowClass) ? $rowClass : '',
    'outer' => isset($outerClass) ? $outerClass : '',
    'inner' => isset($innerClass) ? $innerClass : '',
    'level' => isset($levelClass) ? $levelClass: '',
    'self' => isset($selfClass) ? $selfClass : '',
    'weblink' => isset($webLinkClass) ? $webLinkClass : ''
/* get user templates
 * TODO: eventually move these into config parameters */
$wf->_templates = array(
    'outerTpl' => isset($outerTpl) ? $outerTpl : '',
    'rowTpl' => isset($rowTpl) ? $rowTpl : '',
    'parentRowTpl' => isset($parentRowTpl) ? $parentRowTpl : '',
    'parentRowHereTpl' => isset($parentRowHereTpl) ? $parentRowHereTpl : '',
    'hereTpl' => isset($hereTpl) ? $hereTpl : '',
    'innerTpl' => isset($innerTpl) ? $innerTpl : '',
    'innerRowTpl' => isset($innerRowTpl) ? $innerRowTpl : '',
    'innerHereTpl' => isset($innerHereTpl) ? $innerHereTpl : '',
    'activeParentRowTpl' => isset($activeParentRowTpl) ? $activeParentRowTpl : '',
    'categoryFoldersTpl' => isset($categoryFoldersTpl) ? $categoryFoldersTpl : '',
    'startItemTpl' => isset($startItemTpl) ? $startItemTpl : ''

/* process Wayfinder */
$output = $wf->run();
if ($wf->_config['debug']) {
    $output .= $wf->renderDebugOutput();

/* output results */
if ($wf->_config['ph']) {
} else {
    return $output;

The menu is:
Home About us Delivery Sales Customers
I need to make sure that when I am on the main page, the main item is not active (it is not a link)
How can I do this?

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[[+comments_count]] answer(s)
artr_lr, 2017-03-14

Through pdomenu I did this:

  &tplOuter=`@INLINE <ul class="list">[[+wrapper]]</ul>`

where menuParse

Alexey, 2017-03-14

if you need not to display a link for all current resources, and not just for the main one, use &hereTpl

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