haniaman2020-06-15 19:54:55
haniaman, 2020-06-15 19:54:55

How to make it so that after a “win” there is a “bet” and when it is “lost”, it is brought to a “win”?

Hello, there is a code, its essence:
Looks for a gap in the range of 0-1.33
Finding a gap "bets"

If a loss:

Subtracts the bet from the balance, checks if there are gaps in games before raising the bet, if there are, then waits for gaps and raises and then bets.

If vin:

Adds "winning" to the balance, returns the beginning. bet and gives execution to search for a range of numbers in the range 0-1.33


count = (5.60, 1.44, 1.32, 4.90, 2.97, 4.37, 7.18, 1.52, 1.20, 1.48, 1.45, 1.23, 3.58, 1.16, 0, 3.20, 3.36, 3.06, 12.78,
1.16, 1.17, 1.06, 1.23, 2.04, 5.21, 1.00, 1.32, 1.05, 5.33, 1.08, 4.29, 3.14, 1.04, 0, 1.22, 1.44, 1.00, 0, 1.55, 2.35,
1.98, 2.07, 1.82, 1.34, 4.12, 5.64, ... )

money = 200 # balance
bet  = 4 # ставка
bet_na4 = 4

kf_waits_ot =  0 # начало промежутка кф, от
kf_waits_do =   1.33 # окончание промежутка кф, до
number_kf_waits = 4 # кол-во раз сколько числа из промежутка должны выпасть

kf_exit = 1.34 # кф на котором забирает

kf_lose_game = 1.33 # кф который должен быть менее или равен, для проигрыша игры
kf_win_game =  1.34 # кф который должен быть равен или более, для выигрыша игры

skip_game_for_bet = 1 # количество пропусков между ставкой

if_losegame_kf_for_up_bet = 3 # при проигрыше увеличить ставку в ... раз(а)

kolvo_lose_after_bet_up = 1 # количество проигрышей, после которых ставка увеличиться

number = 0 # number game for tuple

numbers_in_row = 0 # для цикла while 1, чтобы он понимал, есть ли нужное кол-во чисел в промежутке
kolvo_lose = 0 # для цикла while 2, чтобы он мог расчитать, есть ли нужное кол-во пропусков
numb = 1
  while True:
    while True:
      if count[number] >= kf_waits_ot and count[number] <= kf_waits_do:
        numbers_in_row += 1
        number += 1
        numbers_in_row = 0
        number += 1
      if numbers_in_row == number_kf_waits:
        print(str(numb) + ' найден промежуток!' + '\n')
        number_1 = number
        numb += 1
        while True:
          if count[number_1] <= kf_lose_game:
            money -= bet
            print(str(count[number_1]) + ' Game False, balance = ' + str(money) + '.' + ' Ставка: ' + str(bet))
            number_1 += skip_game_for_bet
            if kolvo_lose_after_bet_up == 1 or 0:
              if if_losegame_kf_for_up_bet == 0:
                bet *= if_losegame_kf_for_up_bet
            if kolvo_lose_after_bet_up != 1 or 0:
              if kolvo_lose != kolvo_lose_after_bet_up:
                kolvo_lose += 1
              if kolvo_lose == kolvo_lose_after_bet_up:
                bet *= if_losegame_kf_for_up_bet
                kolvo_lose = 0
          if count[number_1] >= kf_win_game:
            t = bet * kf_exit
            money -= bet
            money += t
            print(str(count[number_1]) + ' Game True, balance = ' + str(money) + '.' + ' Ставка: ' + str(bet) + '\n')
            bet = bet_na4
            number_1 = number
            number += skip_game_for_bet
            numbers_in_row = 0
except IndexError:
  print('\n\n\n' + 'Числа в count закончились... переход на count_2' + '\n\n\n')

It is necessary to make sure that when he wins, he further puts the beginning. betting without stopping and when losing, he used the losing script (if count[number_1] <= kf_lose_game), namely, he raised the bet until the win according to the specified parameters, and after winning, he looks for a gap further.

I managed to make it so that when I win, the script bets until I lose and then subtracts the bet and completes the while and then looks for a gap:
  while True:
    while True:
      if count[number] >= kf_waits_ot and count[number] <= kf_waits_do:
        numbers_in_row += 1
        number += 1
        numbers_in_row = 0
        number += 1
      if numbers_in_row == number_kf_waits:
        print(str(numb) + ' найден промежуток!' + '\n')
        number_1 = number
        numb += 1
        while True:
          if count[number_1] <= kf_lose_game:
            money -= bet
            print(str(count[number_1]) + ' Game False, balance = ' + str(money) + '.' + ' Ставка: ' + str(bet))
            number_1 += skip_game_for_bet
            if kolvo_lose_after_bet_up == 1 or 0:
              if if_losegame_kf_for_up_bet == 0:
                bet *= if_losegame_kf_for_up_bet
            if kolvo_lose_after_bet_up != 1 or 0:
              if kolvo_lose != kolvo_lose_after_bet_up:
                kolvo_lose += 1
              if kolvo_lose == kolvo_lose_after_bet_up:
                bet *= if_losegame_kf_for_up_bet
                kolvo_lose = 0
          if count[number_1] >= kf_win_game:
            t = bet * kf_exit
            money -= bet
            money += t
            print(str(count[number_1]) + ' Game True, balance = ' + str(money) + '.' + ' Ставка: ' + str(bet) + '\n')
            bet = bet_na4
            number_1 += skip_game_for_bet
            numbers_in_row = 0
            while True:
              if count[number_1] >= kf_win_game:
                t = bet * kf_exit
                money -= bet
                money += t
                print(str(count[number_1]) + ' Game True, balance = ' + str(money) + '.' + ' Ставка: ' + str(bet))
                bet = bet_na4
                number_1 += skip_game_for_bet
              if count[number_1] <= kf_lose_game:
                money -= bet
                print(str(count[number_1]) + ' Game False, balance = ' + str(money) + '.' + ' Ставка: ' + str(bet))
                number_1 += 1
            number = number_1
except IndexError:
  print('\n\n\n' + 'Числа в count закончились... переход на count_2' + '\n\n\n')

But I don't understand how to make it so that in case of a loss, the bet is brought to a win with an increase in the bet, and then it is only transferred to the search for a gap.

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