timur_khabibullin2019-08-01 13:16:35
timur_khabibullin, 2019-08-01 13:16:35

How to make inactive select on vue?

Good day!
I want to implement select with an inactive field , also add that the field is required .
At the moment, there are default data that I wrote in vue. If the client accidentally clicks submit, false information is entered into the database. This option is not suitable.
Disappears immediately after page refresh.

<option selected disabled required>Выберите что-то</option>

Here is what is now:
<div class="form-group">
      <select name="Course" id="Course" required class="form-control" v-model="selected.list1">
        <option v-for="option in list1" :value="option.id" v-text="option.Title" />
    <div class="form-group">
      <select name="MorningEvening" id="MorningEvening" required class="form-control" v-model="selected.list2">
       <option v-for="option in list2Select" :value="option.id" v-text="option.Title" />

new Vue({
   el: "#app",
   data: {
    list1: [ { id: 1, Title: 'Выбор 1' }, { id: 2, Title: 'Выбор 2' }, { id: 3, Title: 'Выбор 3' }  ],
    list2: [ 
    { id: 1, idForeign: 1, Title: '1' }, 
    { id: 2, idForeign: 2, Title: '2' }, 
    { id: 3, idForeign: 2, Title: '3' },  
    selected: {
     list1: 1,
     list2: 1,
 computed: {
  list2Select() {
   return this.list2.filter( option => option.idForeign == this.selected.list1 )

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