John2019-12-09 14:32:06
John, 2019-12-09 14:32:06

How to make friends Vue with IE?

Who faced such a problem, can anyone tell me?
Application on vue-cli 3 + vuetify. Blank page in IE and Edge.
From googling, I realized that the problem is that Microsoft does not care about es6. I also found advice that you need to install and import babel-polyfill. But this did not give any result.
Maybe someone solved such a problem at home?

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4 answer(s)
David Chuck, 2019-01-10

Look at the hp microserver gen8 or gen10 - a very attractive thing + you can download your favorite distribution and configure it yourself)) But this is of course if you want to customize a little yourself ...

Roman Alekseiev, 2019-12-09

I ran into this problem 6 months ago. I solved the problem in this way:
1. Inapplication.js

import "@babel/polyfill";
import { app } from '../project/index'

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {

2. Inindex.js
import * as Vue from "vue/dist/vue.common";

import "core-js/stable";
import "regenerator-runtime/runtime";

import Vuetify from "vuetify";
и так далее

I hope it helps, I just checked it on Edge - it works fine

marsdenden, 2019-12-10

What is the project going to be? My webpack runs through babel and everything works in IE
Configuration piece webpack.config.js

module: {
    rules: [

        test: /\.js$/,
        loader: 'babel-loader',
        exclude: /node_modules/

smytsykov, 2019-12-10

It's better to use vue 2, 3 is of no use if beyble surpasses it in get and set

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