b_efimenko2014-11-08 11:39:03
b_efimenko, 2014-11-08 11:39:03

How to make fade effect for bootstrap slider?

I updated the bootstrap to 3.3 and now the fade effect code does not work
What bootstrap used to be I can’t say ....
Who knows how to do it or correct this one ..?

.carousel-fade .item {
      opacity: 0;
      -webkit-transition-property: opacity;
      -moz-transition-property: opacity;
      -o-transition-property: opacity;
      transition-property: opacity;

    .carousel-fade .active {
      opacity: 1;

    .carousel-fade .active.left,
    .carousel-fade .active.right {
      left: 0;
      opacity: 0;
      z-index: 1;

    .carousel-fade .next.left,
    .carousel-fade .prev.right {
      opacity: 1;

  .carousel-fade .carousel-control {
    z-index: 2;

It does not slide, but everything changes very quickly, there is no smoothness in the effect.

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1 answer(s)
Igor Pushkarsky, 2014-11-08

Write for .item transition: opacity 0.3s;

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