â–ª â–ª2015-11-11 15:23:54
â–ª â–ª, 2015-11-11 15:23:54

How to make content scroll horizontally?

There was an idea to do the following (example in the picture). A div block that contains information, pictures, etc., the width of the entire page is 100%. When you click on the link div1, div2, div3, these divs are shifted horizontally to the one that was on the link. All other blocks are hidden.
Are there ready-made solutions? Or maybe there are ideas on how to implement something similar with the help of code. I watched. Everywhere only sliders without the ability to click on the link. I'd be grateful for even a little help.

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3 answer(s)
Alexey, 2015-11-11

Check out owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/index.html#customizing
This carousel has a lot of customization, including owl.goTo(x) // Go to x slide

Alex, 2015-11-11


mr_dev1l, 2015-11-11

you really need to include ScrollTo, and set the navigation to position:fixed;

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